
In the initiation section, the hero steps into the special world, a place apart from the ordinary, where the rules are different and the stakes are high. Here, they must face a series of tests, each more challenging than the last.

At the heart of the special world lies the climax of the story, the main obstacle or enemy the hero must overcome. This is the moment of truth when everything the hero has learned on their journey is put to the test.

If the hero is successful, they will emerge from the special world transformed, with a new understanding of themselves and the world around them. Campbell writes that the hero attains a prize for their trials—this may be a physical object, a potion, or simply wisdom. (Or both.)

the magic / adVenture world

The magic / adventure world need not be actually magic, though it often is. Here I’m referring to a state of heightened aliveness: a period where the hero is thrust out of their known world and experiences the fullness of life through the trials and tribulations of their adventure.

silence / space

One of the elements of Ghibli films that I absolutely love are the moments of silence interspersed in key scenes. These are best demonstrated in Totoro, where these silences build the scene's tension and give insight into the character’s temperament. These silences provide space for the viewer to insert themselves in the world, bolstering the viewer’s emotional investment.

unexpEcted frieNdship

These unexpected friendships made within the adventure, often at moments of change, reinforce a feeling of wonder throughout the films: a sense that one never knows who they will come across and how they might affect the hero’s journey.

Flashbacks / Legends / Origins

There is almost always a flashback to a previous time, functioning as a mini origin story. These are often animated in a different style than the main story, providing insight into the main character or world.